Thursday, 20 December 2007

Rings and Superbloc!

Ryan sticking the crux on Superbloc

Had a really good rings session with Paul last night. Felt very strong on everything except dips and off-set pull ups. Even managed 2 sets of 5 muscle ups!! Cashback! Paul rigged up a pulley system to allow us to try iron crosses with assistance of weights. This was really cool but really hard as well!

The video below shows me trying to fly at first!! Automatic reaction to put my legs back! Superman!

Went on Superbloc again today with Ryan and Dan unfortunately Ned had a presentation. I eventually worked out that the sequence that I thought was right was wrong and so reverted back to Ryan's sequence (if that makes any sense)!

Was even closer to sticking the crux! I think for sure that next time this move will go, I hope anyway. Dan did the top out saying that it is not too hard but scary. I am just going to wait for sending psych to try it!

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