Wednesday, 7 November 2007

A Real Beasting.

After team training last week i realised that my fitness is not so good and in an attempt to clear this up, I am going to start a speed circuit session once a week. Headed down to the Works with strong and elastic boy, Ned for some campusing and circuits.

After warming up we got on the campus board and quickly realised that neither of us felt amazing but we carried on regardless. Four exercises in the campus routine and repeat this three times with a few minutes rest inbetween. Ended up doing ok really.

We then chose 20 problems for our circuit, with the difficulty ranging from about 6b up to 7b+. The circuit involves trying a problem and then immediately getting on the next, two goes maximum on each problem. I ended up completing 14 of the problems but as ever burnt off by Ned with 18. Its good for me though as I have someone to chase!!

New yellow circuit up so we did some of those, pretty good to, nice one Sam and Percy!

Was going to go and try Darkstar again tomorrow but my skin is thin, so a rest day me thinks. Going to Leeds tomorrow night to set for the comp on friday.

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